Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Holiday Tips For Better Health

 The holidays are almost here and soon the family will be coming over to spend time together. To help I have provided a short article written
health writer Tara Parker-Pope. Some of these ideas are not new, but put together, they can make a big difference in your weight, fitness level, and mental health.
  Eat together at the table: People consume more when eating in front of the TV. And foods eaten “on the go” are generally higher in calories.
 Play with kids for at least 20 minutes a day. Ride a bike, jump rope, play touch football or soccer. Visit to find calories burned in various sports.
 Focus on favorite foods. Instead of trying to give up your favorites, eat smaller portions or switch to lower-fat versions. 
 Eat soup. “Volume” foods like soup leave you feeling full on fewer calories. 
 Eat at home. Restaurant food has more fat, calories, and sodium.
The part about increasing mental health is having your carpets and upholstery cleaned for the holidays. Having a clean home for the holidays provides peace of mind. Imagine sitting on some freshly cleaned sofas and chairs. You will feel better throughout the holidays.
The trick is to not wait to long before scheduling your favorite carpet cleaner. During the holiday times they become very busy because their previous clients pre-book almost all of their clean availability.
If you need help with your upholstery cleaning needs, please give us a call at 503-922-4875 / 360-901-8686 or visit:
upholstery cleaning Portland

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