Sunday, December 14, 2008

Repeat Rapid Soiling, Why??

Carpet Spots and Rapid Re-soiling
Have you ever noticed that after having your carpet cleaned the spots reappear or the carpet rapidly re-soils?

Reasons Why?
There are many factors to consider why spots and carpet re-soils rapidly. Often, there are two main reasons why spots re-appear or carpet re-soils rapidly.

One reason: The previous carpet cleaner focussed on the price and not the service he/she offers and cleaned the entire house within an hour. When the carpet is cleaned rapidly most of the areas only receive a surface cleaning and the chance for the spots to re-appear is great.

Another reason: Look at the areas where the heavy re-soiling is coming from. Is the heavy re-soiling occuring near entry ways where tile, vinyl, or hardwood floors exist? The amount and type of cleaner used on these hard surface areas can be tracked to the carpet, especially on wet carpet after cleaning, and leave residue on the carpet causing rapid re-soiling. Interesting huh :-D

We are a Portland Carpet Cleaning company that provides extraordinary service...Keep a lookout on this blog for more interesting information

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