Friday, November 7, 2008

Upholstery Cleaning

Upholstery - The other filter of the home

When is the last time you thought about the cleanliness of the upholstery in your home? The carpet in your home is thought of as the home's only air filter. Many people do not realize that their upholstery collects many soils, oil, human danger, etc. that flows in the air throughout the house.

How Often To Clean Upholstery

Upholstery in your home should be cleaned every 12-24 months. Currently, most upholstery has a life of about 7 years. With proper cleaning every 12-24 months you can greatly extend the life of your upholstery.

Test Your Upholstery

A simple way to test the soil load in your upholstery is to put a pure white cloth over the end of a round vacuum hose and hold it to the upholstery surface for a minute. Now, lift the hose off the upholstery, without letting it get sucked in the vacuum, and look at the cloth to see how much dirt is on the cloth. If you have a large ring of dirt then it is time to get your upholstery cleaned.

We Can Help

If your live in Portland or Vancouver, WA and your upholstery needs to be cleaned we can help. We offer a special to help with your cleaning needs and have the latest training and technology to properly clean your upholstery.

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